Talk Direct takes Project iCare to Doncaster


On 22nd September Talk Direct were asked to take its Project iCare to Doncaster to help the partially sighted society hold an open day for the visually impaired community. The idea of the event in South Yorkshire was to inform the visually impaired about the help and support available to them and stay as independent as possible despite suffering from sight loss.

icare in Dpncaster

The event was attended by several local authority departments who were there to give advice on housing, benefits and other issues. These people do such a great job as losing your vision is one of the most dramatic things that can happen to you and people often don't have anyone to turn to for help. We also worked alongside organisations who offered technical training with computer software and other items that can help around the house.

As always our help with phones and tablets proved very popular and people came over to our stand immediately to see how we could help. They were amazed with how good accessibility functions are and we certainly helped the visitors feel more confident about using a smartphone. A lady in the name of Beryl came to visit our stand, as well as being visually impaired, she was also hard of hearing and was really keen for us to help her. She was an avid reader so when we showed her that with talking books she could use large font and voice over. It really made her day!

I was joined on the day by our new Worksop guru James, who made a fantastic impression and really helped the visitors out. He did such a great job that a number of people are going to his store to see him to purchase a device and for him to set it up.
Overall it was a fantastic day and I look forward to next month's event in Doncaster at the society where school children who are visually impaired will get the chance to know about Project iCare.


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