O2 guru tech day at the Sheffield Royal society for the blind


Talk Direct recently held an O2 guru tech day at the Sheffield Royal society for the blind. 

One of the people they met was a gentleman called George who had recently lost his sight. George had not been able to use a phone and was becoming increasingly frustrated about not being able to keep in contact with friends and family. He had been looking for some specialist help but struggled to find any till now. He came down to the store and was given a full tutorial.

Within no time he had got to grips with it and is now a brand new O2 customer after having no phone for a while. George and his wife Jean were so impressed with our service Jean decided to leave her current network and join O2 as well which was fantastic for Talk Direct.  Technology has helped George overcome both sight loss and dyslexia to help him stay in contact with his friends and family. A huge well done to him for wanting to use the iCare project to help. The icing on the cake was when George was able to text his granddaughter for the first time telling her this was his new number and he had got a new phone he could use again!

Again it just goes to show what can happen with a little help and instruction.

As well as offering in-store instruction, Talk Direct now works closely with the Royal Institute for the Blind (RNIB) and the Guide Dogs charity to spread the word to other blind people about what helpful technology is out there.

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