iCare Introduction for new Guru James Blackwell


James Blackwell O2 GuruBefore I joined O2 as a Guru last year, I had a vague understanding of the role and what it entailed. If someone was to have asked me what I thought a Guru does, I could have given a simple answer; they fix technology. In fact, that's similar to the answer I gave in my interview. I had applied for the role because it appealed to my interests and passion, but I can be quite honest and admit I did not fully understand what it involved. In any case, I was fortunate enough to be offered the position and I accepted with eagerness and enthusiasm.

That quickly turned to cautious optimism as I spent time with other Gurus and team members and learned the extent of what I was expected to be able to do; solve problems, give advice, and be impartial. I have always been motivated by a challenge, so I kept working and learning as much as I could from the people around me.

I also learned that a Guru has another responsibility which is to empower and inspire people where possible. Specifically, within our franchise we offer information and advice about accessibility. This is something which is often overlooked and may seem simple to us but life changing to someone with a visual impairment.

Within a few months of working for the company I had an encounter with a couple, and to look at them you would have assumed they were just like anyone else that had been to the shop that day. Once I approached them it their reasons for visiting the shop became obvious that day and they were different to the usual customer. They were quick to point out that they were looking for a phone, as you would expect, but also that one of them had glaucoma. In fact, I would go as far as saying this was one of the easier challenges to solve as she explained exactly what vision and dexterity she had and what she needed a phone for. The conversation flowed and they walked away with the answers they wanted.

I understand that Talk Direct is currently the only O2 franchise to continuously provide advice and guidance to visually impaired people and also to train their Gurus specifically in accessibility. It is this training that is directly responsible for my ability to help the couple that came into the shop that day. We went through everyday uses of the phone; things you and I would take for granted and most of us do automatically without much thought, and the end result and reaction of the customer on that day was unforgettable.

I am still a relatively new Guru; after almost a year I still strive to solve as many issues as I can on a day to day basis, and I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment at the end of a busy day. But it is when you see that you've actually made a difference to someone's everyday life that is truly unbeatable. I only hope that the path that this franchise has started on becomes one for others to follow.


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